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Popularity is Growing!

Reiki begins with its founder, Dr. Mikao Usui, who was born to a wealthy buddhist family in 1865. He studied many things, but also had an interest in medicine, psychology and theology. This interest prompted him to seek a way to heal himself and others by the laying on of hands. This method was not attached to any religious beliefs or religion so it would be available to everyone!

While meditating, fasting and praying for 21 days, Dr. Usui saw ancient Sanskrit symbols that helped him develop the reiki system that he had been struggling to progress in. It was at that moment that Usui Reiki was born. It was not long after this enlightening experience that Dr. Usui established a clinic for healing and teaching in Kyoto, Japan. As his healing practice became more known, Usui Reiki began to spread. Dr. Usui learned how to attune people to this healing energy through symbols. Dr. Hayashi was one of the these. He trained several reiki masters, including a woman named Hawayo Takata. She was a Japanese American woman who originally had sought healing for herself. Upon learning the system, Mrs. Takata took reiki home to the United States.

The Usui Reiki system has brought healing to many people. The beauty of reiki is that the practitioners can utilize reiki to help heal themselves and for their own wellness. Working on self-healing is important before offering reiki to others. Modern reiki masters can offer in-person and distant reiki healing. People, plants and animals can all benefit from the healing energies of reiki.

Reiki healing complements many medicinal and traditional therapies and can be used to help assist people in their healing journeys. Today, reiki therapy is all over the United States and the world. It is even offered in hospitals such as the Cleveland Clinic where it can be used to decrease a patient’s healing time. Hospitals affiliated with Yale, Duke, Johns Hopkins, and other top medical research centers promote alternative therapies to help treat a wide range of conditions.