Everything Is Energy

Energy is everywhere! Our planet is composed of many forms of energy. There are different types from light and heat energy to gravity, chemical energy and electrical energy. Think of the incredible amount of energy that our universe is composed of, or the power of a thunderstorm.

What Is Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese technique for relaxation that also promotes healing. It’s done through touch, (hands off or on). A warm and soothing energy flows from the hands of the reiki practitioner into the client, promoting relaxation and releasing tension.

Popularity Is Growing

Reiki begins with its founder, Dr. Mikao Usui, who was born to a wealthy buddhist family in 1865. He studied many things, but also had an interest in medicine, psychology and theology. This interest prompted him to seek a way to heal himself and others by the laying on of hands.

Welcome to Earth Energy Reiki

Earth Energy Reiki came about after years of practicing reiki on people, plants and animals. On my journey, I discovered that my natural abilities rested in my connection to our beautiful Mother Earth. I remember being an older child and “sensing” that Earth was in pain. She is a living-sentient being just as all life is. I was an emotional child, and I did not realize that I was an intuitive-energy empath who picked up on every emotion of everyone and everything I encountered. I found solace in nature and animals, and I gravitated towards beautiful things like plants and flowers. Nature was my saving grace and my love for her would lead me to study Native American skills both spiritual and physical. I had found my calling and I did not even realize it at the time.

When I discovered reiki, I knew I wanted to learn how to do it. After years of self-healing, I began to understand how I had been guided to this beautiful gift and why. Every life experience and challenge I had was preparing me to become a healer. My empathy for people lies in my own suffering and experiences. In hindsight, I realized that my purpose was always there but that I had a lot to learn before I could start my practice.

As a reiki master practitioner I can connect to the energetic expressions of flowers, plants, and trees to help bring healing. Every single living green thing on our planet has a gift to offer, even plants that I have seen referred to as “weeds”. Sometimes those weeds offer a healing quality that you can’t find anywhere else. Plants can bring balance and harmony to the body. Combining reiki with the energetic expressions of flowers, plants and trees can help a client heal from whatever spiritual, physical, mental or emotional issue that is present.

Articles & Blog


When i started it, they all just called it that crap. Like, ‘Oh, they’re over there doing that crap.’ ” This nurse, whom I’ll call Jamie, was on the line from a Veterans Affairs medical center in the Northeast. She’d been struggling for a few minutes between the impulse to tout the program she’d piloted, which offers Reiki [...]

Effects of Reiki on Mental Health Care

Abstract This systematic review aimed to identify the benefits of Reiki in mental health care. Eleven studies were included. Although the number of studies is limited, the results contribute to the potential beneficial role of Reiki in mental health care. Persistent studies using Reiki with broad samples, consistent randomized controlled trials, and patterned protocols are [...]

Everything you need to know about Reiki

Reiki is a form of complementary therapy relating to energy healing. Proponents say that it works with the energy fields around the body and involves the transfer of universal energy from the practitioner’s palms to the client. Some controversy surrounds Reiki, as clinical research has not proven its effectiveness. However, many people who receive Reiki claim to [...]