In-Person Reiki

I offer hour long sessions of in-person reiki. I will ask you to remove your shoes only and make yourself comfortable on the massage table. The treatment itself feels like a warm, glowing and unconditionally loving energy that flows through you and around you. I will spend time on each of your physical chakras until they are cleared of any unwanted energy. I also suggest staying hydrated both before and after sessions.

Reiki treats the whole person- including mind, body, emotions and spirit. Clients report feelings of relaxation and inner peace, and many have had miraculous results. It has been effective in helping virtually every known ailment, and always creates a beneficial effect. It works in conjunction with modern medicine and other therapeutic techniques. Reiki is a safe and natural method of spiritual healing that can never harm, and everyone can use it. You do not have to believe in reiki it for it to work.


Reiki treatments can help you with:


  • Pain control
  • Stress reduction and relaxation
  • PTSD
  • Recovery from illness or imbalances
  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • Increased intuition
  • And so much more…

Service Charges

1 Hour of Reiki Session at $70.

If you book 4 Sessions then the fee will be $260.