Everything Is Energy

Everything is energy

Energy is everywhere! Our planet is composed of many forms of energy. There are different types from light and heat energy to gravity, chemical energy and electrical energy. Think of the incredible amount of energy that our universe is composed of, or the power of a thunderstorm. Even our thoughts have power. There is the energy of love and the energy of hate. Our words can also carry certain vibrations. Even if we are not consciously aware of it, we have all experienced energy in one form or another.

There is a Chinese phrase that is yi dao qi dao (pronounced ee dow chee dow). Meaning where our thoughts go our energy follows. This is also known as mind over matter. Our life-force energy is known as Ki or Chi of China, the Ti or Ki of the Hawaiians, and is also known as our life force energy or prana. Prana is the non-physical energy that animates all living things. It flows through everything including the plants, trees, animals, winged, finned and humans. It is believed that a lot of this energy can move through our palms. This is where the energy of reiki also moves through. The energy of reiki has come to us by the grace of God or our Creator. It is based on the frequency of love and guided by a Higher Intelligence, or spiritually guided life force energy. Reiki energy knows exactly where it needs to go in the client to heal.

Chakras as energy

So much of our stress in life comes from repeating destructive patterns. Our energy can become stuck within different areas of our body creating imbalance. Our chakras (cakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” or “disk” and refers to energy points on our body. These are spinning disks of energy that when open and aligned can keep our energy flowing smoothly. Our chakras are connected to major organs, bundles of nerves and other areas of our energetic body. When our chakras stop spinning it affects our emotional and physical well-being.

There are various maps of the chakra system. There are thousands of complex channels and points (such as in acupuncture and meridian lines). There are seven main chakras on the physical body, but there are many more above and below our physical body (subtle or astral body). Our astral body is present when we dream. Reiki helps keep our chakras open and spinning in the right direction. Crystals, meditation and essential oils are also important tools for clearing our chakras.