About Me

About Me

Jennifer became a certified reiki master practitioner in Oct. of 2018, after completing Reiki I, II and Advanced Reiki. Jennifer also holds a BS in psychology with a minor in addiction studies from Western Michigan University.  Jennifer has worked with people, plants, animals and been certified as a massage therapist over the years. However, Reiki called to her in a way where nothing else had, and she knew that her experiences could be used as stepping-stones into a world where her she could help heal people and situations that needed it. Like the image of the rose growing out of concrete, she has had her share of challenges. Her struggles changed her perceptions of life and led her to a new level of belief, faith and love for self and others. Jennifer understands suffering on many different levels, and as an energy-intuitive empath she can feel what her client is feeling so she knows how to best serve. Reiki is a such a beautiful, pure energy and can help heal those allusive places that really need it. When she started her own healing journey, she found many different outlets that helped, but nothing had healed her on a soul-level like Reiki has and continues to do.

Jennifer also has a deep affinity for the elements and the green life on our beautiful planet. Like people, every flower, plant, animal and tree have a story to tell, yet we are all part of the whole. As we heal ourselves, every step taken on Mother Earth heals her as well.

Finally, Jennifer is a proud mother to a beautiful girl. The love she feels for her daughter has kept her moving forward through very dark times. Not a day goes by where she doesn’t thank the Creator for the blessing of her presence.